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Education Foundation of Sierra Vista Scholarships

The Education Foundation of Sierra Vista Scholarship Application is open to all Buena High School graduating seniors from January 15 through March 27, 2024.   Completed applications, including a copy of current transcript, must be postmarked by indicated deadline on the instructions (see link below).  If you have any questions please call 520-266-0079 or e-mail us at
TOTAL: $1000

 After you submit your application, you will need to send a copy of your current transcript to


*Essay Topic List:
1. What is your most meaningful achievement and how does it relate to your field of study and your future goals?

2. Describe how an adult or mentor has influenced your life.

3. Describe one change you would like to make in your community and what ideas you have to implement this change. 



© 2019 - 2021 by Education Foundation of Sierra Vista


Education Foundation of Sierra Vista, Inc. is a 501c3 qualified charitable organization.

Tax ID No. 80-0389712. 

PO Box 1812 Sierra Vista AZ 85636  

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